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(49 - 72 of 145)


Forging a technocratic elite in Colombia: A history of the Escuela Nacional de Minas of Medellin, 1887-1970
Forging a technocratic elite in Colombia: A history of the Escuela Nacional de Minas of Medellin, 1887-1970
Franciscan millennial eschatology in sixteenth century New Spain: A flowering of anti-scholastic historiography
Franciscan millennial eschatology in sixteenth century New Spain: A flowering of anti-scholastic historiography
From slaves to citizens: Blacks and mulattoes in Queretaro at the end of the eighteenth century
From slaves to citizens: Blacks and mulattoes in Queretaro at the end of the eighteenth century
Gauchos e indios: La frontera y la produccion del sujeto en obras argentinas del siglo diecinueve. [Spanish text]
Gauchos e indios: La frontera y la produccion del sujeto en obras argentinas del siglo diecinueve. [Spanish text]
Guatemala and the dream of a nation: National policy and regional practice in the Liberal era, 1871-1945
Guatemala and the dream of a nation: National policy and regional practice in the Liberal era, 1871-1945
Guatemalan political parties:  development of interest groups, 1820-1822
Guatemalan political parties: development of interest groups, 1820-1822
A history of Los Altos, Guatemala: A study of regional conflict and national integration, 1750-1885
A history of Los Altos, Guatemala: A study of regional conflict and national integration, 1750-1885
A history of prehispanic ceramics, interaction, and frontier development in the Ucareo-Zinapecuaro obsidian source area, Michoacan, Mexico
A history of prehispanic ceramics, interaction, and frontier development in the Ucareo-Zinapecuaro obsidian source area, Michoacan, Mexico
A history of Protestantism in Guatemala (Rios Montt, church, religion)
A history of Protestantism in Guatemala (Rios Montt, church, religion)
Human biological variation and cemetery distribution in the Huaura Valley, Peru
Human biological variation and cemetery distribution in the Huaura Valley, Peru
Icons of empire: The art and history of Aztec royal presentation
Icons of empire: The art and history of Aztec royal presentation
Iglesia, justicia y sociedad en el arzobispado de Mexico. La audiencia eclesiastica, 1550-1630
Iglesia, justicia y sociedad en el arzobispado de Mexico. La audiencia eclesiastica, 1550-1630
Imagining independence: London's Spanish-American community, 1790-1829
Imagining independence: London's Spanish-American community, 1790-1829
Imitation and preservation in Latin-America: 1880--1930
Imitation and preservation in Latin-America: 1880--1930
Immigrating to New Orleans post-Katrina: An ethnographic study of a Brazilian enclave
Immigrating to New Orleans post-Katrina: An ethnographic study of a Brazilian enclave
In science and virtue: The education of Latin American clergy, 1858--1967
In science and virtue: The education of Latin American clergy, 1858--1967
The Indian Inquisition and the extirpation of idolatry:  The process of punishment in the provisorato de indios of the Diocese of Yucatan, 1563--1812
The Indian Inquisition and the extirpation of idolatry: The process of punishment in the provisorato de indios of the Diocese of Yucatan, 1563--1812
The industry of nostalgia:  Urban growth and disillusionment in recent Mexican narrative
The industry of nostalgia: Urban growth and disillusionment in recent Mexican narrative
The inevitable bandstand: The State Band of Oaxaca and the politics of sound
The inevitable bandstand: The State Band of Oaxaca and the politics of sound
The Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros (ISEB) and developmental nationalism in Brazil, 1955-1964
The Instituto Superior de Estudos Brasileiros (ISEB) and developmental nationalism in Brazil, 1955-1964
Jose Antonio Alzate y Ramirez and the
Jose Antonio Alzate y Ramirez and the "Gazetas de literatura de mexico": 1768-1795
Kina'oj ri kaqchikela' richin ri ojer k'an xb'anataj:  The Kaqchikel historical perspective
Kina'oj ri kaqchikela' richin ri ojer k'an xb'anataj: The Kaqchikel historical perspective
Kingdom to Republic in Peru:  the
Kingdom to Republic in Peru: the "Consulado de Comercio" of Lima and the independence of Peru, 1809-1825
Kith and kin where the jaguar roams: Changing compadrazgo patterns in a Paraguayan peasant community
Kith and kin where the jaguar roams: Changing compadrazgo patterns in a Paraguayan peasant community
