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(25 - 48 of 145)


Colonial objects, colonial subjects: Cultural strategies of viceregal Peru's noble Incas, circa 1675--1825
Colonial objects, colonial subjects: Cultural strategies of viceregal Peru's noble Incas, circa 1675--1825
Conflict among the elites:  the overthrow of Viceroy Iturrigaray, Mexico, 1808
Conflict among the elites: the overthrow of Viceroy Iturrigaray, Mexico, 1808
Costumbre, conflict, and consensus: Kekchi-finquero discourse in the Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, 1880-1930
Costumbre, conflict, and consensus: Kekchi-finquero discourse in the Alta Verapaz, Guatemala, 1880-1930
The creolization of British sport in Trinidad and Brazil, 1870--1940
The creolization of British sport in Trinidad and Brazil, 1870--1940
The Crypto-Jewish community of New Spain, 1620 - 1649; a collective biography
The Crypto-Jewish community of New Spain, 1620 - 1649; a collective biography
Cultura y excepcion: Golpe de estado, medios visuales y literatura en Chile, 1973
Cultura y excepcion: Golpe de estado, medios visuales y literatura en Chile, 1973
Culture clash in the newsroom: Journalists, the media and the democratization of Mexico
Culture clash in the newsroom: Journalists, the media and the democratization of Mexico
Dependency, revolution and industrial development in Guatemala, 1821-1986 (Central America)
Dependency, revolution and industrial development in Guatemala, 1821-1986 (Central America)
The development of Brazil's arms exporting industry and its roots in geopolitical and national security doctrines
The development of Brazil's arms exporting industry and its roots in geopolitical and national security doctrines
The development of early Mexican land policy:  Coahuila and Texas, 1810-1825
The development of early Mexican land policy: Coahuila and Texas, 1810-1825
The development of export transportation in liberal Guatemala, 1871-1920 (economic, policy, dependency)
The development of export transportation in liberal Guatemala, 1871-1920 (economic, policy, dependency)
Dialogism in the languages of colonial Maya creation myths
Dialogism in the languages of colonial Maya creation myths
Dialoguing with the discourse of the nation: The Mexican Revolution and the
Dialoguing with the discourse of the nation: The Mexican Revolution and the "Cosmic Race" in the indigenista narrative of Chiapas
The discourse of translation in culture contact:
The discourse of translation in culture contact: "The Story of Suhuy Teodora", an analysis of European literary borrowings in the Books of Chilam Balam
Don Fernando's legacy: A microhistory of Atrisco, New Mexico, 1692-1821
Don Fernando's legacy: A microhistory of Atrisco, New Mexico, 1692-1821
Don Jose de Galvez, Visitador General de la Nueva Espana, impacto de la visita en la Peninsula de Yucatan para la aplicacion de las Reformas Borbonicas
Don Jose de Galvez, Visitador General de la Nueva Espana, impacto de la visita en la Peninsula de Yucatan para la aplicacion de las Reformas Borbonicas
The effects of political violence on the development of popular movements: Guatemalan campesino organizations, 1954-1985
The effects of political violence on the development of popular movements: Guatemalan campesino organizations, 1954-1985
El Colegio Seminario de Indios de San Gregorio y el desarrollo de la indianidad en el valle de Mexico, 1586--1856
El Colegio Seminario de Indios de San Gregorio y el desarrollo de la indianidad en el valle de Mexico, 1586--1856
El discurso narrativo del Caribe hispano: Una perspectiva del cuento (1960-1970)
El discurso narrativo del Caribe hispano: Una perspectiva del cuento (1960-1970)
Elites, oligarchs, and aristocrats:  The Jockey Club of Buenos Aires and the Argentine upper class, 1920--1940
Elites, oligarchs, and aristocrats: The Jockey Club of Buenos Aires and the Argentine upper class, 1920--1940
Emerging ladino spaces in the parcialidades of Mexico City: Race, identity and indigenous self-government, 1564--1700
Emerging ladino spaces in the parcialidades of Mexico City: Race, identity and indigenous self-government, 1564--1700
The enlightenment and Spanish colonial administration: The life and myth of Alejandro Ramirez y Blanco in Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, 1777-1821
The enlightenment and Spanish colonial administration: The life and myth of Alejandro Ramirez y Blanco in Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, 1777-1821
Family, business, and politics in Bourbon Central America: The rise of Juan Fermin de Aycinena, 1750-1796
Family, business, and politics in Bourbon Central America: The rise of Juan Fermin de Aycinena, 1750-1796
Financing private higher education: A Mexican case study
Financing private higher education: A Mexican case study
