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(1 - 24 of 36)


Acting ethically in the face of threat: The effects of identity and personality
Acting ethically in the face of threat: The effects of identity and personality
As a rule of thumb: The heuristic effect of rules and trust in nations and organizations
As a rule of thumb: The heuristic effect of rules and trust in nations and organizations
A construct validation study of a police entrance examination
A construct validation study of a police entrance examination
Development and test of a student performance taxonomy in a cross-cultural educational setting
Development and test of a student performance taxonomy in a cross-cultural educational setting
Director locus of control and financial viability among indigenous NGOs in Dakar, Senegal, West Africa
Director locus of control and financial viability among indigenous NGOs in Dakar, Senegal, West Africa
Does uncertainty = uniformity?  The impact of environmental uncertainty on upper-echelon diversity
Does uncertainty = uniformity? The impact of environmental uncertainty on upper-echelon diversity
The dynamic effects of goal direction on performance
The dynamic effects of goal direction on performance
The effects of negative emotional states and confidence levels on integrative bargaining performance
The effects of negative emotional states and confidence levels on integrative bargaining performance
The effects of repeated exposures on choice behavior
The effects of repeated exposures on choice behavior
The effects of task cohesion, interpersonal attraction, and collective efficacy on the performance of distance collaboration groups
The effects of task cohesion, interpersonal attraction, and collective efficacy on the performance of distance collaboration groups
The ethical cost of assigned performance goals
The ethical cost of assigned performance goals
Explaining organizational mistreatment:  An integration of identity and dominance perspectives
Explaining organizational mistreatment: An integration of identity and dominance perspectives
A field study of employee reactions to close performance monitoring: Assessing the roles of perceived personal control and perceived supervisory support
A field study of employee reactions to close performance monitoring: Assessing the roles of perceived personal control and perceived supervisory support
Forgiveness as a function of offense severity, apology extensiveness, and perceived sincerity
Forgiveness as a function of offense severity, apology extensiveness, and perceived sincerity
The formal analysis of preferences and value trade-offs of health care negotiators
The formal analysis of preferences and value trade-offs of health care negotiators
Group role ambiguity: The dark side of work groups
Group role ambiguity: The dark side of work groups
In the name of the company: Unethical behaviors perpetrated by employees in response to accountability and fair treatment
In the name of the company: Unethical behaviors perpetrated by employees in response to accountability and fair treatment
The internationalization of the Mexican economy: Strategic responses of leading Mexican companies
The internationalization of the Mexican economy: Strategic responses of leading Mexican companies
Is Japanese management culturally-specific: An examination of employee/employer values of Japanese and American banks in California
Is Japanese management culturally-specific: An examination of employee/employer values of Japanese and American banks in California
Managers as organizational agents:  The influence of accountability on felt responsibility
Managers as organizational agents: The influence of accountability on felt responsibility
The mutual attraction and selection of people and organizations: The role of personality similarity
The mutual attraction and selection of people and organizations: The role of personality similarity
On the importance of balancing organizational stakeholders: Investigating climate perceptions using referent cognitions and polynomial regression
On the importance of balancing organizational stakeholders: Investigating climate perceptions using referent cognitions and polynomial regression
Organizational commitment: Comparing factor structures and prediction of turnover in civilian and military employees
Organizational commitment: Comparing factor structures and prediction of turnover in civilian and military employees
Perceived job ambiguity, predisposition to procrastinate, work-related information and experience: An investigation of procrastination behavior at work
Perceived job ambiguity, predisposition to procrastinate, work-related information and experience: An investigation of procrastination behavior at work
