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(1 - 24 of 41)


Adolescent depression and family cohesion
Adolescent depression and family cohesion
Adolescent depression: The impact of parental divorce during childhood as it manifests itself in adolescence
Adolescent depression: The impact of parental divorce during childhood as it manifests itself in adolescence
African American Adolescents Speak: Mixed-Methods Research on the Meaning of Racial Identity in the Relation between Race-Related Stress and Depressive Symptoms
African American Adolescents Speak: Mixed-Methods Research on the Meaning of Racial Identity in the Relation between Race-Related Stress and Depressive Symptoms
An analysis of coping in inner-city adolescents in relation to exposure to community violence
An analysis of coping in inner-city adolescents in relation to exposure to community violence
Child survivors of homicide victims:  Effectiveness of a group therapy model for reducing traumatic stress
Child survivors of homicide victims: Effectiveness of a group therapy model for reducing traumatic stress
A comparative study of cluster analytic methods for development and validation of typologies for somatoform disorders in primary care
A comparative study of cluster analytic methods for development and validation of typologies for somatoform disorders in primary care
Control of mentation from within and without: Mood management and thought suppression
Control of mentation from within and without: Mood management and thought suppression
Differences in causal attributions among depressed, aggressive, and mixed depressed and aggressive latency-aged children
Differences in causal attributions among depressed, aggressive, and mixed depressed and aggressive latency-aged children
Effect of nonverbal dominance and affiliation on perception of female therapist influence
Effect of nonverbal dominance and affiliation on perception of female therapist influence
The effects of group treatment on shame and assertiveness in Adult Children of Alcoholics and Other Dysfunctional Families
The effects of group treatment on shame and assertiveness in Adult Children of Alcoholics and Other Dysfunctional Families
Evaluating the Effects of Substance Use on Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in a Community Sample of Female Adolescents Following Hurricane Katrina
Evaluating the Effects of Substance Use on Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in a Community Sample of Female Adolescents Following Hurricane Katrina
Evaluation of the predictors of utilization, attrition, and effectiveness of cocaine dependence treatment
Evaluation of the predictors of utilization, attrition, and effectiveness of cocaine dependence treatment
The impact of traumatic experiences on subsequent mental health functioning among male sex offenders and male victims of physical and sexual abuse
The impact of traumatic experiences on subsequent mental health functioning among male sex offenders and male victims of physical and sexual abuse
The influence of gender of the self-perception of disturbed children
The influence of gender of the self-perception of disturbed children
The influence of hurricane exposure and anxiety sensitivity on panic symptoms
The influence of hurricane exposure and anxiety sensitivity on panic symptoms
The interactive roles of acculturative stress, social support, and gender in predicting depressive symptomatology
The interactive roles of acculturative stress, social support, and gender in predicting depressive symptomatology
The interrelationships between demographic, stress, disease and school-related variables in understanding academic performance in children with diabetes
The interrelationships between demographic, stress, disease and school-related variables in understanding academic performance in children with diabetes
The mark of religion:  relationships between religion and reparative behavior
The mark of religion: relationships between religion and reparative behavior
Mother-daughter construction in four novels by contemporary Hispanic women writers:  A psychoanalytic feminist interpretation
Mother-daughter construction in four novels by contemporary Hispanic women writers: A psychoanalytic feminist interpretation
A motivational approach to psychological predictors of adherence behaviors in adolescents with diabetes mellitus
A motivational approach to psychological predictors of adherence behaviors in adolescents with diabetes mellitus
Nonverbal intelligence and the speed/accuracy trade-off in children with diabetes: A longitudinal follow-up
Nonverbal intelligence and the speed/accuracy trade-off in children with diabetes: A longitudinal follow-up
Paternal support as a moderator between mothers' and fathers' control and adolescent depressive symptoms
Paternal support as a moderator between mothers' and fathers' control and adolescent depressive symptoms
Perceiving the abuse: Attribution theory and battered women
Perceiving the abuse: Attribution theory and battered women
The perception of the therapist utilizing three conditions of clinical humor as analyzed by dimensions of gender
The perception of the therapist utilizing three conditions of clinical humor as analyzed by dimensions of gender
