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(73 - 94 of 94)


Reactions to the French canon in the francophone novel
Reactions to the French canon in the francophone novel
Rewriting the detective novel: A study of
Rewriting the detective novel: A study of "L'Emploi du temps," "Les Gommes," and "La Mise en scene"
Rhetoric and Moliere:  a study of comic 'agon'
Rhetoric and Moliere: a study of comic 'agon'
Rhetoric in the
Rhetoric in the "Fables" of La Fontaine
The role of Racine in French and German criticism during the First Empire
The role of Racine in French and German criticism during the First Empire
Seen and heard: Silence and speech in Spanish women's postwar short stories and films
Seen and heard: Silence and speech in Spanish women's postwar short stories and films
The self in other words:  Autoethnography in francophone women's writing
The self in other words: Autoethnography in francophone women's writing
Stolen glances:  Women and spectatorship in eighteenth-century French literature
Stolen glances: Women and spectatorship in eighteenth-century French literature
A structural and critical analysis of Jules Supervielle's
A structural and critical analysis of Jules Supervielle's "Le Forcat Innocent."
Structure in five novels by Pio Baroja
Structure in five novels by Pio Baroja
Subject to individuality:  Sex, religion and the politics of identity in the early Romantic novel
Subject to individuality: Sex, religion and the politics of identity in the early Romantic novel
Suicide:  from romanticism through naturalism
Suicide: from romanticism through naturalism
Tant home ont de Renart fable, mes j'en dirai la verite: The role of repetition in the Old French
Tant home ont de Renart fable, mes j'en dirai la verite: The role of repetition in the Old French "Roman de Renart"
Text and image in
Text and image in "Le Mortifiement de Vaine Plaisance" and "Le Livre du Cuer d'Amours Espris" by Rene d'Anjou: Toward a semiotics of medieval manuscript illumination
"The stupid aristocracy of skin": Charles Testut's French southern antislavery novel. "Le Vieux Salomon, ou une famille d'esclaves au XIXeme siecle"
Tragedia cristiana y alegoria politica en Calderon: el caso de
Tragedia cristiana y alegoria politica en Calderon: el caso de "Las tres justicias en una"
Una edicion critica de
Una edicion critica de "La confusion de hungria" de Antonio Mira de Amescua. (Spanish text)
Valle-Inclan's modernism:  use and abuse of religious and mystical symbolism
Valle-Inclan's modernism: use and abuse of religious and mystical symbolism
The woman as a figure in the works of Pierre Louys
The woman as a figure in the works of Pierre Louys
Women and gardens in medieval and early modern Mediterranean literatures and cultures
Women and gardens in medieval and early modern Mediterranean literatures and cultures
Words and meaning in the
Words and meaning in the "Poema del Cid" and the "Poema de Fernan Gonzalez"
Writing about nineteenth-century female experience: Rosalia de Castro and George Sand's literature of idealization
Writing about nineteenth-century female experience: Rosalia de Castro and George Sand's literature of idealization
