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(1 - 24 of 29)


The 'Alexandreid' of Walter of Chatillon:  a translation and commentary
The 'Alexandreid' of Walter of Chatillon: a translation and commentary
An analysis of the narrative past tenses in the Old French fabliaux
An analysis of the narrative past tenses in the Old French fabliaux
"beles, avenanz, et de franc corage"--'notatio' of female characters in the Arthurian works of Chretien de Troyes
Christian belief and practice in the
Christian belief and practice in the "Conte del Graal" of Chretien de Troyes. (volumes i and ii) (France)
Crisis and heroic virtue in four medieval alliterative texts
Crisis and heroic virtue in four medieval alliterative texts
A critical edition of the Middle English Liber uricrisiarum in Wellcome ms 225. (Middle English text) (medical)
A critical edition of the Middle English Liber uricrisiarum in Wellcome ms 225. (Middle English text) (medical)
Economics and apocalypticism: Radical nostalgia in the age of
Economics and apocalypticism: Radical nostalgia in the age of "Piers Plowman"
El "Libro de Alexandre" y sus influencias en el Mester de clerecia
The epistemology of the monstrous in the Middle Ages
The epistemology of the monstrous in the Middle Ages
Etude stylistique et thematique du
Etude stylistique et thematique du ""Jeu de la Feuillee"" d'Adam de la Halle. (French text)
From mane to tail:  Representations of the lion in Old French literature
From mane to tail: Representations of the lion in Old French literature
The genealogy of the Chester Expositor
The genealogy of the Chester Expositor
Gythinga saga:  a translation and source study
Gythinga saga: a translation and source study
The impact of the Indo-Arabic fable tradition on the
The impact of the Indo-Arabic fable tradition on the "Esope" of Marie de France: A literary, historical, and folkloristic study
The killing letter, or, The presence of the
The killing letter, or, The presence of the "Kells" manuscript in "Finnegans Wake"
Lacan's mirror and beyond:  Dante, Spenser, and Milton (
Lacan's mirror and beyond: Dante, Spenser, and Milton ("La Divina commedia," "The Faerie Queene," "Paradise Lost," psychoanalysis)
Le gilos, les lauzengiers et la jalousie dans la litterature occitane des douzieme et treizieme siecles
Le gilos, les lauzengiers et la jalousie dans la litterature occitane des douzieme et treizieme siecles
Literary representations of the medieval tournament in Old French works: 1150 to 1226
Literary representations of the medieval tournament in Old French works: 1150 to 1226
Metamorphosis as metaphor: The animal images in six lays of Marie de France
Metamorphosis as metaphor: The animal images in six lays of Marie de France
Middle English and Latin charms, amulets, and talismans from vernacular manuscripts
Middle English and Latin charms, amulets, and talismans from vernacular manuscripts
Mythic structures in the Old French verse versions of the Tristan Legend:  an essay in exegesis
Mythic structures in the Old French verse versions of the Tristan Legend: an essay in exegesis
Permutations on the paradigm of the pastourelle
Permutations on the paradigm of the pastourelle
The poetry of Theodulf of Orleans:  a translation and critical study
The poetry of Theodulf of Orleans: a translation and critical study
A re-examination of the anonymous
A re-examination of the anonymous "Mare amoroso" and the case for Brunetto Latini authorship
