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Note, collections from the Amistad Research Center will be available only via the Louisiana Digital Library.

(1 - 24 of 96)


Abundance and composition of dissolved and particulate organic matter in the lower Mississippi and Pearl rivers
Abundance and composition of dissolved and particulate organic matter in the lower Mississippi and Pearl rivers
AlgR and ANR control biofilm and hydrogen cyanide production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and an alternative cellular model for pathogenesis
AlgR and ANR control biofilm and hydrogen cyanide production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and an alternative cellular model for pathogenesis
Applying velocity constraints to the laser spectroscopy of deuterium-atom and chlorine-atom photodissociation products
Applying velocity constraints to the laser spectroscopy of deuterium-atom and chlorine-atom photodissociation products
Are hypermasculine attitudes a risk factor for smoking in men?
Are hypermasculine attitudes a risk factor for smoking in men?
The Audiencia of Santo Domingo in the seventeenth century
The Audiencia of Santo Domingo in the seventeenth century
Behavioral surveillance using respondent driven sampling among commercial sex workers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Behavioral surveillance using respondent driven sampling among commercial sex workers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
cAMP response element-binding protein is essential for long-term memory formation in the hippocampus and striatum
cAMP response element-binding protein is essential for long-term memory formation in the hippocampus and striatum
Cardiovascular responses to ephedrine are directly mediated in the rodent
Cardiovascular responses to ephedrine are directly mediated in the rodent
Chalcopyrite CVD precursors containing silylated ligands
Chalcopyrite CVD precursors containing silylated ligands
Characterization and analysis of LTR retrotransposons from the genome of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni
Characterization and analysis of LTR retrotransposons from the genome of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni
Child survivors of homicide victims:  Effectiveness of a group therapy model for reducing traumatic stress
Child survivors of homicide victims: Effectiveness of a group therapy model for reducing traumatic stress
A climate for personal well-being:  An integration of prospect theory and psychological climate
A climate for personal well-being: An integration of prospect theory and psychological climate
Collagen-based biomaterials for soft tissue engineering
Collagen-based biomaterials for soft tissue engineering
College students' community service involvement:  Preferred approaches, match, satisfaction, and plans to continue
College students' community service involvement: Preferred approaches, match, satisfaction, and plans to continue
Consequences of substance use among women infected with HIV
Consequences of substance use among women infected with HIV
The contribution of ERBB4 signaling to normal breast development and breast cancer
The contribution of ERBB4 signaling to normal breast development and breast cancer
Cooperative autonomous robots
Cooperative autonomous robots
Correlates of HIV and STD disclosure to sexual partners
Correlates of HIV and STD disclosure to sexual partners
Cross talk between leptin and glucocorticoids rapidly controls endocannabinoid release and inhibitory actions in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Cross talk between leptin and glucocorticoids rapidly controls endocannabinoid release and inhibitory actions in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
Cultura y excepcion: Golpe de estado, medios visuales y literatura en Chile, 1973
Cultura y excepcion: Golpe de estado, medios visuales y literatura en Chile, 1973
Cut marks as evidence of Precolumbian human sacrifice and postmortem bone modification on the north coast of Peru
Cut marks as evidence of Precolumbian human sacrifice and postmortem bone modification on the north coast of Peru
CXCR4 receptor expression and prostate cancer bone metastasis:  Role of stromal cell derived factor-1 alpha and nuclear factor kappa B
CXCR4 receptor expression and prostate cancer bone metastasis: Role of stromal cell derived factor-1 alpha and nuclear factor kappa B
Cysteinylation of PKC-delta by lysosomal cystine enhances apoptosis in cultured cells
Cysteinylation of PKC-delta by lysosomal cystine enhances apoptosis in cultured cells
Design and characterization of pore-forming peptides from a combinatorial library
Design and characterization of pore-forming peptides from a combinatorial library
