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(49 - 72 of 95)


Importance of male sex role identity and self-acceptance in life satisfaction in later adulthood
Importance of male sex role identity and self-acceptance in life satisfaction in later adulthood
The influence of gender of the self-perception of disturbed children
The influence of gender of the self-perception of disturbed children
The interactive roles of acculturative stress, social support, and gender in predicting depressive symptomatology
The interactive roles of acculturative stress, social support, and gender in predicting depressive symptomatology
Job burnout, spirituality and social support in women who are perinatal social workers: A quantitative and qualitative study
Job burnout, spirituality and social support in women who are perinatal social workers: A quantitative and qualitative study
Listening to maternal stories: Reconstructing maternal-child relationships to include the voice of mothers
Listening to maternal stories: Reconstructing maternal-child relationships to include the voice of mothers
Marx and Dewey's theory of praxis:  toward a philosophical base for social work practice
Marx and Dewey's theory of praxis: toward a philosophical base for social work practice
Mental health ideologies and attitudes toward innovation and change:  a study of social workers in community mental health settings
Mental health ideologies and attitudes toward innovation and change: a study of social workers in community mental health settings
Motivational enhancement therapy:  A case study of a community-wide implementation process
Motivational enhancement therapy: A case study of a community-wide implementation process
Origins and development of social work education in Puerto Rico
Origins and development of social work education in Puerto Rico
Other voices: A study of African-American college students' moral decision-making preferences
Other voices: A study of African-American college students' moral decision-making preferences
Participation in comprehensive health planning:  the New Orleans experience, 1967-1971
Participation in comprehensive health planning: the New Orleans experience, 1967-1971
Perceiving the abuse: Attribution theory and battered women
Perceiving the abuse: Attribution theory and battered women
The perception of the therapist utilizing three conditions of clinical humor as analyzed by dimensions of gender
The perception of the therapist utilizing three conditions of clinical humor as analyzed by dimensions of gender
Perspectives on the perpetuity and termination of government organizations
Perspectives on the perpetuity and termination of government organizations
Predicting chemical dependency treatment completion using the health belief model
Predicting chemical dependency treatment completion using the health belief model
Premarital counseling: An assessment of the readiness of social workers to promote an approach to divorce prevention
Premarital counseling: An assessment of the readiness of social workers to promote an approach to divorce prevention
Profiling wife battery: An empirical cluster analysis with violence concordance levels of reported wife batterers
Profiling wife battery: An empirical cluster analysis with violence concordance levels of reported wife batterers
The prophetic voice of Karen Horney in the evolution of psychoanalytic female developmental theory: From Freud to contemporary revisionists
The prophetic voice of Karen Horney in the evolution of psychoanalytic female developmental theory: From Freud to contemporary revisionists
Provider attitudes towards dual relationships and recovery in community mental health centers
Provider attitudes towards dual relationships and recovery in community mental health centers
Punishment and treatment as independent concepts:  attitude patterns of probation officers
Punishment and treatment as independent concepts: attitude patterns of probation officers
Quality-of-life measurements among inner-city black older people
Quality-of-life measurements among inner-city black older people
Raymond Robins and the Progressive movement:  the study of a Progressive reformer, 1900-1917
Raymond Robins and the Progressive movement: the study of a Progressive reformer, 1900-1917
The relationship among parenting stress, marital violence and child behavior problems
The relationship among parenting stress, marital violence and child behavior problems
The religious and spiritual values that motivate older African-American women to volunteer in their communities
The religious and spiritual values that motivate older African-American women to volunteer in their communities
