Where 1\re Women Playwrights? (Ed. Note: Following is a reprint of on genital overtones. The female moot question, since anything can an imaginary interview conducted by play is open and passive, Furtive and does happen, coming as a big irrepressible New York playwright events crawl right through any play surprise to those who thought they and feminist, ROSALYN DREXLER, written by any woman playwright, had it all figured out. where she explores with herself the 0: Why don't more women write for I a~ still writing plays , They existential situation of women play- .the theatr-e? are eminently playable , They come wrights.) in all sizes and moods and, frank- A: Why should anyone write for the ly, I feel like a great natural, nat- Q: Where are the women playwrights? theatre? The theatre is a necropolis ional resource that has not been A: They are deployed about the city of ideas. One goes there to mourn tapped. waiting to make their move. They the loss of life, and to numb the have already learned how to take a - backside, Occasionally we hear part and put together their type - writers in a matter of minutes, and laughter but only because an old man how to keep them clean and well lub- in the street has slipped on a banana ricated. At a signal, which may be peel, the clapping of one hand, all women 0: Why do those who write for the playwrights will shoot the vapids and theatre tend to drift away after a proceed to a secret rendezvous where period of activity? Why do they ~ a hidden store of explosive topics is write only sporadically? waiting to be used. With proper A: To write sporadically is to become handl ing, each sentence will find its like the resting spore which has re- mark, sistant walls, Stopping is a means of Somewhere between 0: How can we, the critics, producers, survival through unfavorable perio-ds. if you touch me, 1 111 scream and public tell whether a play has The sporadic writer does not have to and been written by a woman,, , that is, fuse with others to produce her work, if you don 1t, then I will an unsigned pl ay? she is her own means of reproduction; is a quiet A: A thorough examination of any this takes time, {kind of heaven) work will reveal its sex at the mo - D.eviant drifting patterns in women amidst ment of heightened excitation, In a as well as in men may proceed from two kinds of hetl female's play the capitals will be rejection currents especially power- shorter, and an excessive use of the ful in the realm of commercial letters 0 and P may be noticed. Thus, theatre both on and off Broadway, POP, POPE, OOPE, and OOPS take However, what is commercial is a by Evi Seidman i saw a woman sleeping I saw a woman sleeping In her dream Life came and stood before her And held in each hand a gift In the one hand, Love In the other, Freedom And she said to the woman, Choose The woman waited long and said, Freedom Then Life said to the woman You have well chosen If you had chosen Love I would have given you what you had asked Then I 'NOUld have gone from you And returned to you no more Now the day will come when I shall return On tltat day I will bear both gtl"ts in one hand I heard the woman laugh in her sleep. by Ol ive Schreiner Graphic by Mei K~ang Lu J