I k now that the force of IHe ~~4!, which flows through me is a ·~.,~ port of all life, that I om a ~9" (l part of nature, that I am a "WI' Jw. ~j'\ port of all mfin1ty And 1 .IJ ~ cannot pretend to any kmd . ~fl ~~,:o;:~s~t~~: ~~~n~t ::r~o:-. ~ a or another port of the some ~~ 1[1 poet of the •orne th;ng, ond ~, t/,J) it's all the same. /' .l1J. "' .. You Perhaps men and women receive the ir prima~ sources & of energy from different centers, or perhaps dtffe~ent spheres. Or is it not possible that the concrete t1e me which women hove to the cycle of life in all of nature, is a link as yet unexperienced in man. For although man con conceptualize the unity he will not experience the oneness until he ceases to try and create it or will & it, and just lets it happen. ~oman's intuition, ~er instinctiveness, her spontanutty, are all keys whtch us unlock the doors of life. They ore magical trips into the never-never land of reality . ..............I..... I.......... ........ 'I Man, every man , even Christ is the son of Woman. And all men hove been excused, forgiven, loved for whatever they may or may not hove done, for all men ore still sons. Struggling with arrogance which seeks expression. "IT DOESN'T HURT TO TRY" unintentioned interpretation can be read continued from page I , into it. That is what is supposed to happen, Therefore, there ore no really indepen- anyway. Inspired and encouraged by those dent elected officials who ore free to people that I hod spoken about the problems represent the interests of all of the people in the community with, I announced that I that he was elected to represent. was going to try to run for senator as on EDITING, COPY & It was for this reason that I decided l'klry Gehman PRODuCTION, independent candidate. That's when the to toke the plunge. I thought "It can't intrigue began. loraine Despres Clay latimer be too bod." First of all, I contacted Celeste Newbrough Jackie Langhoff I began getting telephone calls for people in various community-oriented DISTRIBUTION, Bev Overton interviews and then there was one from programs to find all I could about parti- Susan LosCalzo Melanie Owen a member of o political organization in culor problems confronting particular Sue Westbrook Phoebe Walmsle y this city who wanted to see me, but only segments of the community and a lso those 05 on interested citizen. During the ADVERTISING, Roseanne Fayard special contributions being made to the Marli Rossi Virginia Peyton course of our conversation, it was casu- commun ity by those organizations. I ally asked how I would respond if I were must admit that I hod not expected to meet offered $50,000 dollars to drop out of the such willing and friendly cooperation from i he Distaff is o new journal dedicated to race to which I casually replied that I those people that I contacted. The ex- S