Three years ago these two women were dissatisfied. . .with their professional tanking -- persanal procluctiveness —— daily energy exertion 4- and apathtic teelinas —— Cl course, not to say they both were not persons of worth -- and active in their own respected social Janice » ‘rcsh out of environment —— Jan ~— college instructor in communications college aria vivaciously searching rar her proper place —— like most American women she put in her time with South Centlal Bell —- They had similar Feelings about their performances in society —— these negative teelinas gave them a positive ialt —_ They shared ‘ma same motivating forces, had an equal amount of energy -- and the necessary creativity to boot -— They ioined forces -- Results were “sculpture in light and plastic.“ Their ioint dedication, new surge, vigor and cantidence and ability was such that they dared dropping out «- pooled theil money tor necessary materials and equipment and ventured out -- Materials consist at sheets at plcxiglass, neon lighting, electrical wiring and ‘other experimental lighting such as lucite rods which are able to conduct and refract light, equipment being saws at various sizes, vacuum machinery for molding plastic, ovens to heat plastic —— torches —— space to work —— All these tangibles were prerequisite in order to obtain their so desired dramatic visual results. Their initial investment was such that it would have sent the average individual back into that comfortable 8-to—5—get-' payed—every—Friday way of living. Today, three years later —— Jan and Janice have had their rirst showing in New York otter many local showings —— (Orleans Gallery). They did go through those ever so famous "starving artist“ days, they say. Their enthusiasm continues to grow and is now ready to involve ather people. Their work has an unlimited tuture. Upcoming will be a new concept in gallery showing by Jan and Janice in their own newly created environment. They also plan to have talented opprentices involved in producing sculp» ture multiples. today, 75% at art school students are women. For those who make art a profession the road is rough —— in galleries throughout the notion only about l8% of the work exhibited is by women —— 8% of museum collection is by women. Armed with power tools, plastic rods, and positive determination these two women are maklni changes in these statistics. Their sculptures surely create excitement in a room. Stnoot and active with dancing light refractions -—- Contrast of curves and sharp edges .. Bubbles versus flat surfaces —— many sculptures filled with intricate tubular designs "_‘°Vi"9 l'l‘.'°U9l‘ 00.13 UTDUTWL ln 0 way it prciects busy—ness of the city, but at the some time D quiet serenity. It's nice. _,cantir'\u_ed from page 3 . bldnkef. ,7 ‘the enforcers . No one the nod w~age,c$Yil'-rol and runaway pricesar why the ‘gave ment should not be allowed ‘to steal‘, tidelands in ih—'e_norne,of the low it citizens of Louisiana, or the mounhn unemployment that Nixon discounts by raising the norm to make the increase above the norm less, and created false sense of economic stability. ‘ ‘ Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Huntsberg of WRNO, l was abléfo speak at least one time publicly and I ' sense; the some concern in the audience ,- that l Felt myself for a more relevant cam- poign, by those involved. Ti *- q_uesl‘.ions' asked showed more anxiety among tlte audience than was shown by most of the candidates. One incident impressed me, and was to foreshadow a most distressing‘ i experience. _ — ‘ During the question period following the individual speeches by the Various‘ candidates, one man asked why the teleg,’ vision cameraman did not"film the block lady when she was talking?" He requested. that Johnston ask the newsmen to film'me' I might‘ add that l had 0 very good audience response " at that time. _ _ t It has been a big temptation to iust , throw in the towel and say that the system really doesn't work after all. I had begun with the aim of showing that concerned citizens can and should take an active part in government even if they do not’ as well — and it was done. have he financial clout of the normal ‘ '\ politician if they are sincere about im- proving the conditions under which we live. i wanted to convince myself and others that the determined individual can. make a difference. What i met was one ' obstacle otter another in my path. But one thing is clear. It is NOT‘ the system but the people who run the sysl’em—t;hat‘ re screw up the works. My theory that‘ , those in office only seek to maintain‘ the status qua was reinforced. Essentially; L the same handful of people govern the ' states and-the nation. " i do plan to file ct suit against the government for their refusal to notify me e as to whether or not I was qualified t'c:nJn. it is a blatant wrong that was cgminl Ed against me and l feel that someone should have to answer for it. However, the" American Civil Liberties Union says it they are not able to handle the suit, as yet, l haven‘t found any legal -he ' Here again, the individuql‘s hands ‘Ned. When people ask me if iwilll ru ' I tell them, yes, as an independent * ' And the next time I will be better prepared to face the loopholes grid cl9secl'd_n ' l really think it's time for people especially for women = to get o'utronl:l'd9 - something about issues, not«iI:isf"_sit at andcomploin obout;thern._ ' _, in my. campaign I did not Fail',_ ceeded in finding out. veryirnuch 15 faroved~ 50, 399 else, laid E,raveito’rt,ly _doesii't hurt to try